Saturday, January 12, 2008

Palm's Next Generation OS is Code-named Nova

Recently the question of what to call Palm's next generation OS has been a source of confusion and commotion around the boards here at PIC. Members have so far been referring to it by a multitude of names and acronyms such as: Palm OS 2, POS II, POX, Palm's Palm OS, ALPOS, Palm's next-generation linux based operating system and even Palm OS Mobile Professional Ultimate Treo edition. So the need to have a single, proper way to refer to the new OS is crucial. Fortunately, PalmInfocenter has recently learned of the code-name being used around Palm Inc. from a reliable source.

The internal code name for Palm's next generation OS is Nova. The current release schedule being discussed by Palm management is to announce and get Nova out to developers in some form later this calendar year. I've heard reports from inside the company that Nova is presently being demoed and tested internally on an unreleased future Palm device code-named Zeppelin.

Statements made by Palm executives indicate that Palm will be making some partner and developer announcements around Nova later in 2008. The earliest estimates for when it will actually ship on new Palm hardware is currently February 2009.


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