Sunday, February 24, 2008

New Sony Ericsson naming scheme and two interesting pics

According to m-one from se-world, Sony Ericsson will be changing their naming scheme to something a bit more sophisticated. The name will still be in the same format as before, a letter followed by 3 numbers. Only now, all the characters have a meaning. The following chart pretty much sums it up.

The first letter represents the series.
C = Cyber-shot
W = Walkman
S = Snapshot (not swivel like in the S700 or style like in the S500)

The second slot is occupied by a number and indicates whether the phone is high, mid or low end. 9 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

I didn't quite understand the third slot (it's in German) except that it's something to do with versions.

The fourth and last slot indicates the form factor of the device.
0/1/2 = candybar
3/5 = slider
6/7/8 = clamshell
9 = other form factors

Now for a nice pic from Lots' of SE phones including some new ones including the new slider that was leaked today. The phone sure looks small compared to the others. Where is the X1?

Here is the second pic which I found interesting that Xellar over at esato posted. He spotted something in one of the pics of the slider that was leaked today and modded the pic to highlight what appears to be an unidentified device. Some suspect that it's the new P5/paris and others say it's just a W960.

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