Tuesday, February 26, 2008


RaceChronoMobile software made by motorsport enthisiasts

RaceChrono a is data logging software for all kinds of sports. It runs on Nokia Series 60 smart phones and uses position data from your Bluetooth GPS receiver to determine lap times and performance.

RaceChrono is developed by a team of Finnish sports enthusiastics who have made their careers in the IT-business. RaceChrono is currently a hobby project for it's authors.

The developers have successfully used RaceChrono with all kinds of bikes, cars and water jets. After you have downloaded the needed track profile from their library, the safe and waterproof installation of your Mobile phone and GPS receiver is the trickiest task, as RaceChrono team members have found out. Most of the tracks they have in their tracks library are from other RaceChrono users. They hope that someday their library will contain most common tracks from all over the world.


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