Tuesday, August 5, 2008

AT&T Expands International Offerings for Travelers

Call Home, Search the Internet, Send E-Mail or Get GPS Directions While Abroad — All From Your AT&T Mobile Device

As the world gets ready to travel to the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing, AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) today announced expanded wireless international service offerings to help keep customers connected to home and work around the world.

Beyond the best global footprint and the most world phones, AT&T's new global offerings include:

New international data discount plans for smartphone and LaptopConnect users.
Increased global voice and data coverage:
International data roaming coverage in more than 150 countries, up from 145.
More countries where discounted data packages apply — up from 41 to 67.
International roaming coverage on more major cruise ships — up from 75 to 120.
New global GPS navigation with turn-by-turn GPS directions in the six Olympic cities in China, as well as Western Europe and North America.
In addition, AT&T is launching a series of new advertisements as part of its multimillion-dollar campaign to educate customers about traveling abroad with wireless devices.

An Omnibus survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers conducted by AT&T shows that while 61 percent of mobile phone owners are likely to take their wireless devices with them when they travel overseas, more than half of the respondents did not know whether their devices would work outside the country. Also, many were not aware that international roaming is an additional cost.

To help travelers stay connected and manage their wireless costs, AT&T offers a variety of resources to help customers. AT&T's Travel Guide (www.att.com/travelguide) allows customers to create an itinerary with rate information for up to 10 international destinations as well as review discounted voice and data packages. The tool allows customers to input information about their wireless device — a BlackBerry® vs. a Razr, for example — so accurate rate-plan information is presented.

"The ability to use your everyday AT&T device around the world makes international travel easier and more convenient," said Bill Hague, executive vice president of International for AT&T's wireless unit. "We provide our customers with the complete solution to stay in touch with family, friends and business colleagues while abroad — all on the same wireless number and device they use at home."

More Data in More Countries

Beginning today, smartphone and LaptopConnect users will have new options for using data abroad at discounted rates. AT&T has also increased the number of countries, from 41 to 67¹, in which it offers discounted data rates.

With more customers increasingly using more data when traveling abroad, AT&T is offering two new plans with even larger "buckets":

50 MB of data in 67 countries for an additional $59.99 a month for smartphone users
5 GB of data in the U.S. plus 200 MB in 67 countries for $229.99 a month for LaptopConnect users
These new plans are in addition to a variety of existing plans, which range from 20 MB to 100 MB.

With access to e-mail, Web browsing and other applications that can use a significant amount of data, smartphone, iPhone and laptop users might find themselves using more data than they thought while traveling abroad. International data usage is not included in U.S. data plans, but customers can save money on international data usage by signing up for one of AT&T's international data plans and following some simple tips at www.att.com/wirelesstraveltips.

More Global Voice and Data Coverage in More Places and More World Phones

With the largest global footprint of any wireless provider, only AT&T customers can make and receive calls in more than 200 countries and send e-mail and browse the Web in more than 150 countries, including more than 60 countries with high speed third-generation (3G) coverage. AT&T has also expanded its voice and data coverage on major cruise ships to 120 from 75.

AT&T offers customers the most world phones among U.S. wireless service providers, with more than 40 world devices available, including iPhone 3G. AT&T customers can take their new iPhone 3G devices to Beijing and around the world, including Japan and South Korea, which require a device that operates on 2100 MHz. AT&T today offers five phones — iPhone 3G, BlackJack II, Sony Ericsson z750, AT&T Tilt and Palm Treo 750 — and several PC cards that operate in Japan and South Korea.

Global GPS Navigation

AT&T also recently announced the availability of AT&T Navigator Global Edition, the only GPS-based service available from a U.S. wireless carrier to provide international navigation capabilities. The new offering provides verbal or text-based turn-by-turn directions in the six Olympic cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Shenyang, Tianjin and Qinhuangdao as well as most western European countries, North America and the U.S. Caribbean.

Additionally, the company is providing select family members of Team USA athletes and 10 grand-prize winners of AT&T's "How Are You Connected" to Team USA sweepstakes with Samsung BlackJack II devices with AT&T international wireless service so they can stay connected to friends and family back home while they're enjoying the Olympic Games in Beijing.

For more information about international coverage and rates, customers can visit www.att.com/wirelessinternational or call 866-MOBILITY.

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