Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Review of Opera Mobile 9.5 browser

Mobile-review have posted their review of the Opera Mobile 9.5 browser. Here is their final impression.

The main question this review has to answer is whether Opera Software have managed to come up with a product that can satisfy both consumers and phone makers that are getting more and more inclined towards touch-based navigation and finger-friendly devices. In our opinion - definitely yes. The new browser has gone though a major revamp, compared to its previous editions, and it's something you won't overlook. It's convenient to use and easy to master, it's fast, and more importantly, it's very straightforward and intuitive. Basically, if you have never seen a mobile browser before, getting the hang of it with Opera Mobile 9.5 won't take longer than several minutes.

While the current version of the browser has some glitches and bugs, this is pretty much inevitable in any beta version. But even as it stands today, Opera Mobile 9.5 is one of the market's finest offerings.

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