Monday, October 20, 2008

Left the alpha- version Of firefox Of mobile - Fennec

As it was declared earlier, the company Of mozilla represented the first alpha- version of the mobile browser Of firefox Of mobile under the code name Of fennec. To the first was presented the version of browser for the Internet- plane-table Of nokia Of n810, but also Fennec it is possible to test on “table” platforms Windows, Mac OS of the X and Linux. Developers also promise to soon let out the test version of this browser for Windows Of mobile. In this case, the final version Of fennec will appear, it is most likely, not earlier than the following year.

In the mobile browser Of fennec are realized the support of layings and tags, mapping pages with the aid of the supplementary sheets, integrated search into the panel URL, the rapid access to several search systems, the scaling (increase and the decrease of page), manager of passwords, blocking of the floating up windows, cleaning confidential data, possibility immediately to ring according to the phone number in the text and much other. To load the first alpha- version Of firefox Of mobile Of fennec is possible.

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