Saturday, October 18, 2008

Review of GSM/UMTS-handset Nokia 6600 Slide

Mobile-review have posted their review of the Nokia 6600 Slide. Here is their final impression.

The 6600 Slide's 64-tone ring tones sounded pretty loud in most environments, although since its only loudspeaker is mounted on the back, you will probably miss a call or two if you decide to keep the phone in your jeans' pocket. The vibro alert, on the contrary, is nothing to complain about.

Those of you who were about to just skip this paragraph are actually missing out some important things about the 6600 Slide's reception quality. While the phone turned out to be a pretty good performer in areas with okay to strong reception, it falls flat when you get to some place with a passable/weak signal. Basically, where the Nokia 8800 Arte still managed to keep us online, the 6600 Slide experienced serious difficulties with reception quality. And the reason is pretty simple - it's so tiny that even if you slide it out, it's still very likely that you will cover the antenna. So this is our most crucial niggle with the 6600 Slide, although I doubt many consumers in its audience will even bother about this issue.

The 6600 Slide retails for 250 Euro, which is quite a bargain for a phone of this caliber. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I got hooked by a mid-tier phone for this long - normally it takes me a month or so to grow cold to pretty much any phone. I was content with its size, looks (I couldn't care less that it's designed more for women) and the mix of materials. Girls, however, treat the 6600 Slider very differently - some fall in love with it outright, some find it quite ugly. But there is no denying that the Nokia 6600 Slide is one of the best phones for women out there with a solid feature pack and an attractive price tag.

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