The company Samsung Electronics announced the receipt of 46 awards CES 2009. Prizes were six mobile phones, seven accessories for them, six HD-TVs, two laser printers, four digital cameras, two camcorder, LCD monitor, professional video walls, ultra-laptop, a washing machine with front loading, two LCD panels, solid - hard drive (solid state drive) and processor (application processor), as well as other products. All nomination had been submitted during the public exhibition CES from 9 to 11 November at the Samsung booth at Central Hall Las Vegas Convention Center and the Pavilion of innovation.
In 2009, the company intends to submit a number of new developments in various segments, such as devices with touch displays, mobile devices with QWERTY-keyboard, kamerofony high-resolution matrix, more compact and lightweight laser printers, advanced HDTV-technology. Samsung also plans to expand presence in the model number of environmentally friendly models of electronics.
Prizes were awarded to the Association since 1976, since then they have been the most advanced and sophisticated models of consumer electronics in various fields. Exhibition CES is the largest and most representative of the world, speaking, in fact, the benchmark technology and design of consumer electronics. Nominee Prizes are chosen based on the following criteria: technical specifications, design, purpose and functionality, innovation and uniqueness.
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