Thursday, June 11, 2009

Spillikinks #12 or what’s wrong with Sony Ericsson

Mobile-review have posted an article bashing Sony Ericsson. Here are the final paragraphs of the article.

But it wouldn’t be fare to blame Sony Ericsson’s partners alone, because their main problem lies in flawed planning, and to be more precise the lack thereof. Take, for example, the results of their latest announcement. You think that Sony Ericsson’s PR department reported to the executives that Yari, Aino and Satio received a somewhat cold welcome? Not a chance – as they pictured it, consumers were elated to see these revolutionary products, in fact the reception was so great, that it'd have made sense to produce more units than originally planned. So at the end of the day, the company’s executives will reward the organizers of the launch event, the entire marketing division along with the planning department. And of course nobody will feel bad about these phones’ Xperia-grade sales. By the way, now the company acknowledges that this product was a mistake and failed to live up to their hopes. And furthermore, they are experiencing certain difficulties with the X2 as well – the thing is, HTC have already refused to produce it, for Sony Ericsson failed to fulfill their X1 contracts. And their other partner insists on iron-clad contacts, which Sony Ericsson isn’t quite ready to sign, since they do realize that their plans will see numerous corrections down the line, just as always.

And we, ordinary consumers, are the final piece of this long chain, left to wonder about the outrageous pricing policy implemented by Sony Ericsson. The missteps listed above won’t let the company drop prices to more affordable levels any time soon. And when the sales of the Aino or Satio will stall, Sony Ericsson will try to send their prices through the floor just to keep them afloat, but I have all reasons to believe these extreme measures won’t have any effect, since even on the launch day the market didn’t seem stunned by these phones at all. But that’s not the biggest disappointment of the day – I haven’t mentioned it anywhere yet, but the Satio won’t come equipped with Sony’s Exmor sensor. Unfortunately.

I must confess that this is one of those rare cases when I had to forget about the original purpose of the Spillikins, devoting the entire article to one company and one event only. And the reason is that Sony Ericsson’s launch event held on May 28th literally left me speechless. It’s a pity, though, now that I’m about to wrap it all up, I have no time or room left to take a quick look at other phones and events.

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