Friday, June 12, 2009

Ukrainian Beeline starts selling USB-modems for business customers

Ukrainian single operator Beeline (JSC «URS» and OOO «Golden Telecom») today announced the start of sales of USB-modem customers Beeline Bus.

Using the USB-modem connection with a contract Beeline Bus allows, the words of the operator, the business customer through GPRS / EDGE standard to obtain access to the Internet and the ability to share files, send and receive emails, as well as work with internal resources of the corporate network ( with the help of «permanent IP-address» on the territory of the network Beeline).

The base cost of USB-modem is 499 UAH. ($ 1 ~ 7.6 grn.). Connecting customers is determined by the tariff plan «Business-click designer», in which the client creates the conditions of tariff according to their needs. The proposed package includes the best volumes of Internet traffic at attractive rates: bezlimit - from 125 UAH per month, 3000 MB - 100 UAH per month, 1000 MB - 60 UAH per month, 500 MB - 40 UAH per month.

If Contract for one year the client is invited to a special price of USB-modem: package «bezlimit» TA «Business-click designer» - 299 UAH, for the remaining packages - 399 UAH.

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