Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Opera Mini users viewed more than 10 billion Web pages per month

The company Opera Software announced that the monthly volume of requests by users Opera Mini web pages for the first time exceeded 10 billion These figures are contained in a report on the status and trends in mobile Internet, are based on the data on the use of the browser Opera Mini in June 2009

Basic data report:
• In June 2009, Opera Mini browser to use about 26.5 million unique users, which is 4.2% more than in May and 143% more than in June 2008, these figures reflect the number of users who have chosen Opera Mini to install on their mobile phones.
• 26,5 million users in June looked at more than 10.4 billion pages. Thus, they discovered more than 346 million Web pages daily. Compared with May, it rose to 8.4%, as compared to June last year - at 224%.
• In the month went Opera Mini users generated more than 168.4 million megabytes of traffic - on 5,6% more than in May 2009 and to 236% - than in June 2008, Opera Mini browser is able to compress the data up to 90%. If the information has not been compressed, the user would have to download to their phones about 1.6 petabyte of data.
• India ahead of China in the number of unique users of Opera Mini. Top ten countries for this indicator in June looked like (in order of number of users): Russia, Indonesia, India, China, Ukraine, South Africa, United States, United Kingdom, Poland, Nigeria.
• Mobile Phones Nokia leads in the frequency of use of Opera Mini in the world, and second place on this indicator took apparatus Sony Ericsson. In the United States, users often open up a browser for mobile devices, BlackBerry, and the second place in the region - Samsung.
• The number of Russian users of Opera Mini as compared to June 2008 grew by 68.5%, and viewed their pages - to 140.3%. Each user has viewed an average of 401 pages per month.
• In terms of the number of downloads from the site of Russia Odnoklassniki.ru went into second place, ahead of Yandex. In addition, the ten most popular resources for June came Rambler.ru, a My.Opera.com left the Top 10. The leader in the number of visits remained Vkontakte.ru.
• The number of Ukrainian users of the browser Opera Mini in June increased by 71.5% (compared to the same month in 2008), as viewed by a Web page - at 769.2%. In the Ukrainian average user viewed 589 pages per month, is the highest figure in the top ten user countries.
• Google, in May, returned to Top 10 most visited sites in Ukraine, in June once again left this rating. For the first time this list is a resource depositfiles.com, and the three leaders on the number of unique visitors to create Vkontakte.ru, Yandex and Mail.ru (in descending order).
• The most popular mobile phone in the Russian and Ukrainian users of Opera Mini is Nokia 6300. As the frequency of use of the browser, this device and leading the whole world.

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