Friday, October 23, 2009

Screenshots operating system, Windows Mobile 6.5.1

Resource IstartedSomething posted screenshots of the updated version of Windows Mobile numbered 6.5.1. They are clearly visible design differences: although this is not Windows Mobile 7, but not 6.5. Windows Mobile 6.5.1 includes elements of larger size, easy to control without a stylus, using your fingers. In addition, the interface is based on the tabs are no longer used. Plus, there is a new application to work with contacts, it is also a button size.

In addition, the Start button (Start) and Close (Close) changed their position. They were placed in the bottom of the screen. Above, in turn, had more space for status information. In this case, the relevant icons become smaller. Do not know when will be the final assembly of Windows Mobile 6.5.1 and it will be available for smartphones and communicators. Issue models based on Windows Mobile 7, by the way, is expected to close by the end of next year. Apparently, the previous version will be much sooner.

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