Monday, November 23, 2009

HTC: owners HD2 communicator with a malfunctioning camera can exchange it

Owners communicator HTC HD2 defective cells received a response from the company High Tech Computer. Some users have reported technical support department of HTC that when capturing on built-in camera HD2 on the images obtained by strange blotches of violet or pink. It is not clear whether this problem affects all or only some devices.

HTC has sent its responses to multiple users, confronted with such a defect. She advised owners of devices to exchange their suppliers, or to surrender to the manufacturer's service center for repairs. According to HTC, the problem - the hardware, not software nature, that is the easiest way out would be to replace the defective communicator on a new or repaired, if possible. Recall, the camera in HTC HD2 good enough - 5-megapixel, so commonly used, most likely, quite often.

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