Monday, January 25, 2010

Android OS Roils Smart Phone Market

Google’s (GOOG) Android mobile operating system was first introduced more than a year ago, and hardly made a ripple in the smart phone market – until now.

ChangeWave’s December 9-14 survey of 4,068 consumers shows the Android operating system roiling the smart phone market, with Motorola’s new Droid smart phone the biggest and most immediate beneficiary.

Among respondents who currently own a smart phone, 4% say they’re using Google’s Android operating system – a 3-pt jump since our survey in September.

But more importantly, 21% of those planning to buy a smart phone in the next 90 days say they’d prefer to have the Android OS on their new phone – a monstrous 15-pt jump in just three months.

To put this in context, three months ago Android OS was tied for last place in consumer preference among the major mobile operating systems. But since then it has surged into second place ahead of all competitors except the iPhone OS X (28%) – which remains the number one choice for operating systems, although down 4-pts from previously.

In contrast to the Google Android surge, the RIM OS (18%; up 1-pt) is holding steady and the Palm OS/ Web OS (3%) and Windows Mobile (6%) are each down 3-pts since the September survey.

These findings have major implications for smart phone manufacturers – but it’s important to note that they are occurring at a time of robust overall growth for the industry.

Click to read the rest of the article

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