Thursday, January 21, 2010

WSJ: Apple sees the new money in the old place, or even rumors about Apple Tablet

Resource Wall Street Journal is one of the main suppliers of rumors about the products Apple
. This newspaper reported new details about the old rumors, namely the coming planshetnike iTablet or iSlate. At the same time with the editorial staff there is little doubt that January 27 will be presented exactly tablet device.

What new WSJ reports on the tablet Apple. First, it is argued that this would be "family" unit, which may even be able to recognize faces from the built-in webcam. Secondly, the device will be equipped with a virtual keyboard. Thirdly, the main task of the tablet will be the transformation of old media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) in a new media format. Also, a tablet will be the electronic "textbook" and will replace the TV. Fourthly, in collaboration with Apple to develop games for a tablet was spotted company Electronic Arts. In addition, reports on the talks between Apple and the major American publishing houses and TV channels.

In addition to this resource TheStreet reports that the U.S. iTablet will be sold at the operator Verizone Wireless, in collaboration with which the plate and developed. The value of the device without a contract valued at $ 800.

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