Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nokia Siemens Networks applauds FCC plan to boost mobile broadband

FCC proposal will help address exponential growth in mobile data traffic from smart devices.

In response to U.S. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski’s announcement that the agency’s upcoming National Broadband Plan will propose to identify and allocate an additional 500 MHz of spectrum over the next decade for mobile broadband, Nokia Siemens Networks issued the following statement on behalf of Sue Spradley, North America region head.

“We commend Chairman Genachowski, his colleagues and the Commission staff for having the foresight to acknowledge that the national broadband plan must aggressively address a looming spectrum crisis in the United States that threatens to put the brakes on the mobile broadband explosion. We look forward to reviewing the plan in detail and to its implementation.

“While our innovative solutions help mobile network operators optimize the use of the spectrum that is available today, without question we will come up against the limits of engineering. Consumers continue to adopt and use mobile broadband for their communications, business and entertainment needs at an astonishing rate.

“The U.S. today is leading this charge on mobile broadband, but maintaining that position is not guaranteed, and spectrum availability is a critical factor. We also urge the Commission to do its best to ensure that this additional spectrum for mobile broadband is globally harmonized to the greatest extent possible in order to drive down equipment costs and maximize device choices for consumers.”

Nokia Siemens Networks recently noted that global mobile data traffic from smart devices will increase 100-fold by 2015, such that the mobile industry will be carrying 23 exabytes of data every year, which is the equivalent of all 6.3 billion people on the planet downloading a digital book every day.

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