Saturday, March 20, 2010

Opera more than doubles download numbers in Europe after Choice Screen introduction

Following the introduction of the Choice Screen in Europe, Opera Software is experiencing a dramatic uptake on downloads of its latest browser, Opera 10.50. After the Choice Screen launch in early March, on average, more than half of the European downloads of Opera’s latest browser come directly from the Choice Screen.

“This confirms that when users are given a real choice on how they choose the most important piece of software on their computer, the browser, they will try out alternatives,” said HÃ¥kon Wium Lie, CTO of Opera Software. “A multitude of browsers will make the Web more standardized and easier to browse.”

The increase represents more than a doubling from the normal download numbers, even only after a short period with the Choice Screen. According to plan, the rollout of the Choice Screen will continue well into May for existing Windows computers and for five more years on new installations.

The following numbers are the percentages of country downloads of Opera’s latest desktop browser that originate from the Choice Screen, as part of the total Opera 10.50 numbers for desktop.
Country Choice Screen increase Choice Screen as % of total DL
Poland 328% 77%
Spain 215% 68%
Italy 202% 67%
Denmark 198% 66%
Netherlands 157% 61%
Portugal 157% 59%
Belgium 123% 55%
France 117% 54%
Sweden 111% 53%
Switzerland 109% 52%
Greece 93% 48%
Austria 85% 46%
United Kingdom 85% 46%
Czech Republic 64% 39%
Germany 64% 39%
Norway 57% 37%
Hungary 53% 35%
European average 130% 53%

The increase percentage due to Choice Screen was found by comparing downloads from Choice Screen to all other downloads for each country. Other downloads includes downloads of new installations outside Choice Screen and manual upgrades of the 10.50 browser. Numbers were collected from Opera download statistics, over three days, March 12 - 14.

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