Friday, August 1, 2008

Poll from Motorola: the use of GPS technology provides substantial savings

The company Motorola reported that during the poll conducted recently on behalf of informatization among the leaders of North American enterprises engaged in passenger transport, industrial production, freight transport and warehousing of products, found that the technical solutions that are implementing technology GPS (Global Positioning System), are essential for the operation of mobile workers. Technical means to enhance the GPS function of individual productivity and increase production efficiency by reducing the annual targets for labor and fuel costs.

Analysis of the survey results showed that almost 50 per cent of enterprises using technical means to support GPS, the primary benefit is a significant reduction in fuel consumption, resulting in reducing mileage by an average of 372.1 km per week, which in turn allows each year save on fuel up to 51582 dollars. Given that the U.S. truck fleet is more than a million units throughout the industry is reducing fuel consumption could save up to 53 billion dollars.

The study also found that enterprises implement the technical means to support GPS, save approximately 54 minutes a day, which means an annual reduction of labor at 5484 dollars per employee or 5.4 million dollars for an enterprise as a whole. Moreover, according to a poll in addition to direct savings applications with positioning make it possible to optimize the routes of movement of staff, allowing managers to know exactly where at this time are their staff, and evaluate routes prior to their approval.

Representatives of the enterprises participating in the study, pointed out that GPS-based solutions allow their mobile workers spend less time on the road or choice of destinations and more time given to new and existing customers. Replying to a question about why they are considering investing in GPS and other new technologies, respondents indicated customer service as the main priority.

The survey identified and the other purpose of GPS - in particular, navigation for the timely arrival at its destination and route optimisation. The functions of navigation and allow optimization of routes to overcome the difficulties often faced by mobile workers on the ground, allowing them to change course in order to optimize the delivery.

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