Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lenovo will become more [ekologichnoy]

The company Of lenovo reported connection to the international nonprofit organization Of the Of climate Of group and starting of the scale program, directed toward the encouragement of the utilization of the worked out technology and which stimulates the use of the renewed energy sources. New program calls users to make more critical decisions with the use of different devices - from their acquisition to the utilization. This program continues “green” undertakings, introduced Of lenovo in its own production.

The company Of lenovo made a decision about an increase in ecology of its production by 10% within the period from 2007 through 2012. In connection with this Lenovo develops the solutions, which increase energy effectiveness, injects on its production areas energy-saving technologies and are built new plants and factories from the ecologically clean materials also with the application “green” technologies.

In addition to other measures, directed toward the development of renewed power engineering, Lenovo was joined to the project Of the Of climat Of group on the site With the aid of this project Of lenovo proposes to the users of its equipment the simple method to introduce the personal contribution to the retention of the reserves of energy and the rescuing of planet. Within the framework this program, selling each laptop computer Of lenovo with the electronic coupon Of together, Lenovo accomplishes the donation in favor of projects on the creation of the renewed energy sources, realized in the country of buyer, in the size of the cost of the annual energy consumption of this laptop computer. Into the number of these projects can enter the building of wind and solar generators or the production of energy with the use of [biotopliva]. For the participation in the program to buyers it is necessary with the order of computer on the site to print in the electronic form of coupon the word “of together”.

In addition to the measures, directed toward the encouragement of the use of the renewed energy sources, Lenovo uses the energy-effective methods of the transport of its production. In particular, recently company was certified by American agency on environmental protection (EPA) to the correspondence to the ecological standards of the consignors Of smartWay. Joint voluntary project with the participation EPA, enterprises in the field of freight traffic and production companies, including Of lenovo, is called to free peace from the ejection from 33 to 66 million metric tons of carbon dioxide and to 200 thousand tons of the oxides of nitrogen in the period until 2012. At the same time Lenovo introduces changes in the packing of its production, the aim is to move production nearer the markets for sale, and also it passes in more effective from the point of view of power expenditures sea and ground-based transport.

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