Saturday, October 18, 2008

Motorola demonstrates WiMAX in action

In the course of WIMAX Of world 2008 company Of motorola presented new products, and also demonstrated, by what means of the technology Of wiMAX they can draw nearer the era of the personalization of [multimedia]. Motorola demonstrated the solutions, oriented to the representatives of the generation of the new millenium, to which it is necessary constantly to be found in the contact and to associate in the social networks, on those, who constantly work and must be productive in the road, and also to the amateurs of domestic electronics, the occupied parents, who left to the pension of specialists and other users, that use the newest technologies for adorning their life.

From last year, when the company Of motorola successfully demonstrated the first in the world mobile devices Of wiMAX during the cruise along the river of Chicago, Motorola of one of the first it obtained in June the certificate Of wiMAX Of forum for its infrastructure Of wiMAX - WAP 25400. Motorola presented the wide spectrum of client equipment (CPE) and elements of net infrastructure, and also practically doubled a quantity of its contracts for the construction of the commercial networks Of wiMAX throughout the world, after bringing their number to 22. According to the data of different analytical reports, the company is the leading supplier of the solutions of the mobile infrastructure Of wiMAX and CPE.

Motorola also substantially enlarged the spectrum of client equipment, devices and collections of microcircuits from the most different producers, who were compatible from WiMAX or adapt in the products of company. The complete spectrum of such devices was the company Of motorola during the real demonstrations of the possibilities Of wiMAX with the most different applications and services on several largest exhibitions, including CES and CTIA in the USA, and also the forums Of wiMAX in Amsterdam and Singapore. These devices will be represented also on the stand Of motorola on the exhibition Of wiMAX Of world.

Motorola undertakes active steps in the development of the infrastructure Of wiMAX throughout the world. For example, was recently neglected the program of testing interaction Of wiMAX in Taiwan and into Arlington -[Khayts] (Illinois, the USA). In these two laboratories the customers Of motorola can be convinced of the compatability of devices with the net infrastructure Of wiMAX and obtain from the company Of motorola of recommendation regarding the selection of client equipment and mobile devices.

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