Friday, May 8, 2009

AVTOSPUTNIK publishes updated Tele Atlas maps of Russia with 2 mezhdvorovymi travel

Company Navigation Systems today announced the new release (09.02) Russia maps (Tele Atlas) to navigate the program AVTOSPUTNIK, which is different from the words of the company, from a previous version of an order of magnitude larger shaping up to a mezhdvorovyh passages and extended coverage. The new card is available to all registered users of GPS / GLONASS navigation AVTOSPUTNIK.

Mezhdvorovye passages - the main difference Release 09.02 Tele Atlas maps of Russia for the program AVTOSPUTNIK. The presence of several thousand kilometers mezhdvorovyh travel to Moscow, along with high detailed maps throughout the cover and the extensive up-to-date address database provides a new level of accuracy of navigation - the route is laid accurately and directly to a specific house or building to travel between buildings.

In contrast, the same exercise of options for routing, taking into account mezhdvorovyh of other navigation programs (also based on the map Tele Atlas), AVTOSPUTNIK navigation with a map of Tele Atlas Russia 09.02 release will lead a driver to mezhdvorovym us exclusively and only if its destination is located within the following quarter or group of buildings. In no other case, a navigator with AVTOSPUTNIk - even in a situation of detour traffic jams - will not walk off into the yard for the through passage (which, incidentally, is prohibited by the rules of the road!), And forward the best alternative route.

Routing in the light mezhdvorovyh passes pleasantly pleased by the operator of all types of navigation devices: a PDA, and navigation with the possibility to access the Internet and connected cork services, and opportunities for avtonavigatorov without regard to the worldwide network.

Coverage of the new Tele Atlas map of Russia 09.02 add detailed maps of cities: Nizhniy Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk. Essentially detailed maps of Moscow, Leningrad, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, and many other areas. In more than 30 major cities in Russia updated and added to the house, building and structures, as well as the updated organization of traffic: in the map changes that have occurred recently in traffic, including - the imposition of unilateral movements, a ban on travel t. P. Number of points of interest (POI) in an updated map of Russia is over 100 thousand.

Road's new release covering the entire territory of the Russian Federation: highways, expressways and ordinary roads, local roads, many small streets and passages. Connectedness and unity of the road network enables the gasket to maintain the correct cutting routes across the coverage accurately to a specified destination.

As with previous releases, with a map Tele Atlas Russia 09.02 in navigation AVTOSPUTNIK it is possible to connect a free information service on Road Traffic Yandeks.Probki. In connection with increased detail and accuracy of a new card to improve the functioning and service in the cork AVTOSPUTNIK and routing algorithms to detour traffic congestion and difficulty.

Map of Russia (Tele Atlas) Release 09.02 for the program AVTOSPUTNIK support the new interactive online service AVTOSPUTNIK OnLine - dynamic update maps on the mobile internet - with enabled dynamic update maps in real time from the server AVTOSPUTNIK OnLine quickly guide the user to directly load the important changes the map relating to traffic, the new travel restrictions set overlappings due to road works, etc.

Updating the map of Russia (Tele Atlas) 09.02 is only available to registered users of AVTOSPUTNIK or Russia Tele Atlas maps for AVTOSPUTNIKa while obnvlenie dostpno free if the user's subscription to update the map. Subscription to update the map, you can also buy extra online store AVTOSPUTNIK.

For some devices with limited capacity of Tele Atlas map of Russia 09.02 will be available in a special option in the form of two separate cards - for the European and Asian parts of Russia. Split into two parts of Russia should be the best solution for users of devices with different technical capabilities.

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