Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beeline Ukraine offers remote database access

Ukrainian mobile operator Beeline, which currently presents itself as a single operator, announced the introduction of services «permanent IP-address» and «Variable IP-address» to subscribers of mobile Internet-based GPRS. These services enable customers to gain access to internal corporate resources through a variety of mobile devices.

Service «permanent IP-address» is aimed at business customers «Beeline Business» and allows you to create virtual private networks for access to internal corporate resources from mobile devices - phones, laptops, modems, terminals and other portable equipment. This virtual private network can combine the wireless devices and personal computers, servers, data, peripherals (printers, copier and scanner), as well as payment terminals, ATMs and other equipment, which requires the management of an additional layer of protection and security.

When connecting services «permanent IP-address» mobile subscriber is assigned a unique static public IP-address on all the time using the service. Using a fixed IP-address is a prerequisite for access to intra-corporate program that uses the authentication mechanism on a permanent IP-address, as well as connecting to the network through the VPN-encrypted connection.

Depending on the needs of companies and requirements for access to specific applications, the client can also use the service «Variable IP-address». In the case of connecting services «Variable IP-address» client device has a unique dynamic public IP-address, which varies with each new GPRS-session.

Services «permanent IP-address» and «Variable IP-address» is available to all subscribers of the contractual forms of connectivity under the brand «Beeline Business». The cost of service activation - 10 UAH. The monthly fee - 10 UAH. ($ 1 ~ 7.6 grn.).

The service is available throughout the meet Beeline, as well as international roaming.

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