Monday, May 25, 2009

DOCOMO and Telefónica to Introduce Windows Mobile Handset by Toshiba

TOKYO, MADRID, --- NTT DOCOMO, INC. and Telefónica announced that a Windows Mobile® handset model made by Toshiba Corporation will be introduced by both companies in their respective Japanese and Spanish markets in June to July as part of a plan for various joint undertakings by the two mobile operators.

The companies selected the full touch-panel model as an ideal offering for users seeking a versatile, stylish handset. DOCOMO will sell the handset in Japan as the docomo PRO series™ T-01A (officially announced on May 19) and Telefónica will sell it in Spain as the TG01.

DOCOMO and Telefónica are now considering various other initiatives to mutually strengthen corporate competitiveness and customer satisfaction in their respective markets, including a joint study of possible services and applications for open OS handsets.

DOCOMO Senior Vice President and Product Department Managing Director Kiyohito Nagata said: "DOCOMO looks forward to working with global operators such as Telefónica to jointly develop mobile services and applications for mutually enhanced global competitiveness. At the same time, we would be pleased if such efforts have the added effect of supporting Japanese mobile phone manufacturers in their attempts to expand handset sales overseas."

"Operating system platforms are becoming more and more important to drive the extraordinary growth of mobile internet business. DOCOMO and Telefónica are leading operators in their respective markets and this is a great opportunity to provide their customers with best-in-class products and solutions," said Luis Ezcurra, Manager of Handsets and Multimedia of Telefónica España.

NTT DOCOMO is the world's leading mobile communications company. DOCOMO serves over 54 million customers, including 49 million people subscribing to FOMA™, launched as the world's first 3G mobile service based on W-CDMA in 2001. DOCOMO also offers a wide variety of leading-edge mobile multimedia services, including i-mode™, the world's most popular mobile e-mail/Internet service, used by 48 million people. With the addition of credit-card and other e-wallet functions, DOCOMO mobile phones have become highly versatile tools for daily life. NTT DOCOMO is listed on the Tokyo (9437), London (NDCM) and New York (DCM) stock exchanges. For more information, visit

About Telefónica S.A.
Telefónica is one of the most important telecommunication companies in the world as for market capitalization. Its activities are basically centered in landline and mobile operations, as well as broadband services as the key for the development of both endeavors. Telefónica has offices in 25 countries and a customer base of more than 261 million accesses in the world. Telefónica is a strong player in Spain, Europe and Latin America, where it is concentrating its development efforts. Telefónica is a completely privately owned company with more than 1.5 million shareholders. Its capital its currently divided in 4,704,996,485 shares in the most important Spanish stock markets (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia), as well as the stock exchanges in London, Tokyo, New York, Lima, Buenos Aires and Sáo Paulo.

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