Monday, May 25, 2009

Samsung introduced a 30-nm technology

Samsung Electronics has announced the beginning of the supply module 32 GB moviNAND - embedded memory cards with the highest to date, density, produced by 30-nanometer NAND technology. Using high-density memory cards is justified for the hi-end phones and other mobile devices, which require large amounts of memory for storing multimedia content: video, photos, games, etc.

32-GB card moviNAND - first built the map, based on 30-nanometer technology. Samsung New modules have double the density compared to previous generation cards moviNAND, which are produced on 40-nanometer technology and have a volume of 16 GB.

Each 32-Gb device moviNAND consists of eight 32Gb NAND chip, and controller cards MMC firmware. 30-nanometer devices Samsung is also available a 16, 8 and 4 GB. Own moviNAND Samsung modules support the standard built-MMC (eMMC) and use high-speed interface, jointly developed by JEDEC and MMCA (MultiMediaCard Association). The latest specification (eMMC v4.3) has a quick download and reduced time of transition in the sleep mode that reduces power consumption.

According to forecasts of demand for high-memory modules will increase. Projected research company iSuppli says that the supply of 32Gb and larger NAND modules will grow eight-fold: from 120 million units in 16Gb equivalent set in 2009 (13% of global shipments of memory card) to 950 million, or 72% of the total market in 2013.

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