Monday, October 26, 2009

Beijing Gehua Powers Personalized Media Experiences with Motorola’s DOCSIS 3.0 Integrated CMTS Solution

Motorola’s Integrated Cable Modem Termination System (I-CMTS) solution enables data throughput up to 160Mbps over Gehua’s cable network, delivering new ultra-broadband Internet services to subscribers.

BEIJING – Motorola Inc. (NYSE: MOT) Home and Networks Mobility announced that Beijing Gehua CATV Network Co. Ltd. has deployed its BSR 64000 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) to deliver high-speed Internet access and interactive services. This deployment marks a significant milestone for Motorola in China’s cable market, reaffirming Motorola’s global leadership position in video solutions and its ability to cost effectively deliver broadband everywhere.

Beijing Gehua is a leading cable operator in China offering cable TV, Internet access and communications services to more than 4,000,000 households in Beijing. The operator is among a growing list of cable operators worldwide that are upgrading toMotorola’s Integrated Cable Modem Termination System (I-CMTS) solution as a way to address the increasing demands for personalized media experiences. The I-CMTS solution is currently powering Beijing Gehua’s advanced offerings, and will support its upcoming roll-out of Video on Demand (VOD) service.

Motorola’s BSR 64000 is a proven, high-density, standards-based and fully redundant CMTS/intelligent edge router that allows operators like Beijing Gehua to rapidly introduce differentiated data, voice and multimedia services.

"Motorola has developed extensive expertise in I-CMTS deployments with large cable operators worldwide," said Drina Yue, vice president, Motorola Home & Networks Mobility Regional Management, Asia Pacific. “We are excited to work with Beijing Gehua as they begin to introduce high-speed broadband experiences to their subscribers in Beijing. Motorola’s I-CMTS solution can offer operators, like Beijing Gehua, the ability to reduce their cost per downstream channel, resulting in the highly cost-effective delivery of advanced services to their subscribers.”

Built to evolve, Motorola’s I-CMTS solution makes DOCSIS 3.0 economically viable to operators, by providing a software migration path from DOCSIS 2.0 to DOCSIS 3.0 to support the roll out of high speed data services as well as additional IP-based functionality, as demanded by the network and its customers. Motorola’s I-CMTS is compatible with existing infrastructure including DOCSIS 1.x and 2.0 cable modems, which enables operators to quickly enhance their offerings while maintaining uninterrupted support of existing operations. Moreover, operators can expand system capacity by adding multiple TX32 Decoupled Downstream Modules and in the future, add RX series upstream modules, to offer additional scalability and flexibility to meet rapidly growing customer demand for ultra-broadband Internet services.

Motorola is a leading provider of cable broadband technology with a proven track record and extensive experience in implementing advanced networks worldwide. The company recently announced worldwide shipments of more than 1,000 TX32 Decoupled Downstream Modules. According to Infonetics 2Q09 report, Motorola continues to lead in the DOCSIS 3.0 certified CPE market with over a 60 percent market share and is the world’s No. 1 video set-top box (STB) technology provider. Motorola also deploys and services CMTS-enabled DOCSIS 3.0 networks for key operators in Asia, including LG Powercom, C&M, CJ and Qrix in Korea, J:COM in Japan, StarHub in Singapore, and Taiwan Broadband Communications in Taiwan.

About Beijing Gehua CATV Network Co. Ltd.
Beijing Gehua CATV Network Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise responsible for development, operation, management and maintenance of cable TV networks in Beijing. Certificated by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, the company receives and transmits radio and TV programs, and provides TV network information services. With the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and the State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT), and the authorization of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Beijing Gehua was listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2001 (code: 600037).

With the support and assistance from Beijing municipal committee, government and departments concerned, Beijing Gehua acquired and completed the integration of cable networks in the suburb and exurb of Beijing city, and realized "One City, One Network" in February 2002, providing an ultra large fiber cable TV network with over 10,000 km fiber and 100,000 km cable lines, that delivers services to 3.65 million households in 18 districts and counties.

As a broadband information transmission network, Beijing Gehua’s cable TV network in Beijing can support expanded and value-added services like high-speed data transmission and Internet access. In response to the overall transition into digital cable TV required by the SARFT, Beijing Gehua has completed promotion of digital cable TV trials in 1.63 million households. Meanwhile, Beijing Gehua built on its physical fiber cable and broadcasting TV network to build an analog and digital cable TV transmission network throughout Beijing. In addition, Beijing Gehua also built a backbone network for integrated data transmission and switching, and a Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) system-based network for integrated digital information transmission, and installed a Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) in control rooms of the urban area. These networks allow Beijing Gehua to provide subscribers with stable, controllable and rich analog and digital radio and TV programs, as well as high-speed Internet access, and transmission and switching service of integrated data and information that are designed to meet different corporation users’ demands. For more information, please visit .

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