Friday, October 23, 2009

Wrong number: six stories of failures Phones

Cell phones are instruments Shmtiisnim shortly. Manufacturers are required to produce innovative products quickly, sometimes resulting in embarrassing: from the first iPhone did, through Israeli phone did not seem to Ventbok first (canceled) of Palm.

Motorola ROKR E1: the first iPhone who failed sales

Remember the first iPhone? It's not Apple introduced the world in 2007 and Israeli citizens are waiting for more than two years in his arrival to Israel, but a hybrid created by Motorola and Apple partnership.

On 7 September 2005 reached marriageable age rumor mill spread through the media about him a miraculous uniting the Apple's iPod with a cell phone. Motorola CEO Ed Zander then Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the ROKR E1, mobile phone, even then it was considered quite ugly. He included music capabilities "improved", ie with synchronization software from Apple's iTunes.

ROKR E1. Pitcher of criticism Photo: Blmovrg

The phone itself was somewhat updated version of Motorola's first device, the E398, all-like interface - iPod to play music clips stored in it. Of course Apple was not interested in the new product will compete in her iPod, and demanded that Motorola limit the number of pieces of music stored on the device at any time to 100 only.

In addition, the interface to transfer songs from your device was USB1, so that the transfer iTunes song what it had demanded for a long time - almost like listening to him practice.

The new phone not only suffered a pitcher of criticism but also quite low sales distribution - must also suffered nearly parallel to the release of the first iPod Nano from Apple. Motorola blamed the Apple phone to create competition, the companies broke off their work after only one model.

At this point it was clear to Jobs that Apple did inexperienced in creating mobile
phones, but no outside company could not produce for him the instrument envisaged. Two years after the relationship with Motorola launched iPhone, and the rest - history.

Partner, incidentally, launched in the previous model, E398, already in 2004, but Cellcom chose to launch the E1 a few months after he left the United States. In fact the device was not bad relative success - mainly thanks to aggressive pricing, including Headset Bluetooth gift.

ALPHACELL Emblaze M5: As Riifmn - many launches, market share slightly

Before Hmodo of Dov Moran, an Israeli company was trying to show the Israeli cell phone first. AlphaCell Wireless, a company controlled by Eli's Emblaze Riifmn, Leader Polar Investments, a deal in the development of mobile phones by setting a communication activity. In other words, much of the basic phone features offered by Alpha - basket were irrevocable by the cellular operator, for example, four programmable buttons that can be placed in front of the device, and fitness of the phone design by the company's branding.

ALPHACELL M5. Was not even reach the shelves

In 2002 the company reported a deal of $ 10 million with CarPhone Warehouse, British markets mobile phones, which she said was supposed to sell the phones in 12 countries in Europe. Emblaze acquired the same year the shares became venture partners in controlling owner, while she was changing the company name to Emblaze Mobile. 2003 heralded the beginning of Alpha - a basket that has signed an agreement with the company's joint development partner will market a final the same year totaling about 40 thousand units. The phone was launched at last. In February 2004, presented a preliminary model of the largest mobile exhibition in Cannes (since moved to Barcelona exhibition), alpha - Bin told the launch almost immediately by five carriers around the world. Exposed again in 2005 at Cannes, five new devices, the company promised to announce soon the customers.

Years that have passed, Emblaze Mobile announces, but the phones did not really manage to break through the experimental phase to water phase Griffith some market share. The product was shelved last year was the Edelweiss, a device with touch screen intended for the Russian market, claims Emblaze Mobile was supposed to be sold for half a million units. Device disappears completely from the company apparently has no demand at all. The current project of Emblaze Mobile, under the code name for Monolith, should emerge into the world late this year or early next year, according to the company is cooperating with companies Samsung and Sharp to display a useful instrument elaborate. Looks.

Palm Foleo: Hntbok that nobody understood

Palm record first pages of history as the "stranger that made personal digital (PDA), a worldwide hit. In the late nineties and early millennium Palm Pilot considered a status symbol for Magic administrator.

On May 30, 2007 stabilized Jeff Hawkins, founder of Palm, before a full house of journalists and introduced the Palm Foleo. Distance of two and a half easier to explain the nature of this product, but so long as Hawkins described it as "Mobile Companion", a cell phone accessory, which should facilitate the operation of the e-mail and browsing capabilities via the phone itself.

The idea was simple: compute power of the mobile phone was enough for most actions required based voice communications, text, picture and video, but the main limitation of these instruments was their input and output: a tiny screen, keyboard suitable at best slender fingers of Korean girls.

Unlike the trend claimed that unite all activities into one device, Palm believed that by splitting the two instruments will be effective the client user experience better. The Foleo was a laptop equipped with a fairly limited memory capacity, on and off in seconds, his battery was supposed to hold for five hours. On the device it was possible to surf with a browser developed by Palm and edit Office documents. Connect Bluetooth enabled suck the email and documents.

Palm Foleo. Ahead of his time

So we, according to Hawkins, the most effective coupling businessmen on the go. But
the price of the Foleo, about 500 dollars, it seems high to many. Also need to carry two products was contrary conduct industry. Launch event announced that the Palm Foleo will be launched towards the end of 2007, but announced on September 4, Palm CEO Ed Colign that the company chose not to spend it on the market. In retrospect, it seems Palm were the first who initiated the idea Hntbok, ie weakened used laptop especially surfing. But while Shntbokim became a hit, Palm were busy creating the Palm Pre.

Nokia N-Gage: Users have forgotten that phone

Nokia is a known user interface its relatively simple, allowing users to migrate from a device within a minimum period of study. If a cellphone manufacturers sold us, not surprisingly, cell phones, the devices have become in recent years we have we have a visual voice information accessories, handsets manufacturers were required to make the relevant adjustments to product design and support new communication technologies, content worlds.

But even before that envied the success of Nokia mobile gaming devices from Sony (the PSP) and Nintendo (DS). In October 2003 the Company announced the launch of a phone designed in a portable games console secretary. Under the brand N-Gage asked then CEO (Chairman until today) John Aolilo level customers to build infrastructure to offer mobile games for download - for a fee of course.

But the strange design (that some users mentioned specifically Mexican taco) prevented customers refer to the appropriate use of its main - phone calls.

After another attempt to get an improved model in 2004 that she realized Nokia phones continue to shape and be comfortable speaking after last action. The software infrastructure of N-Gage combined company at the telephone Finnish multimedia company has issued, but it still fails to be a significant competitive mobile gaming equipment manufacturers.


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