Friday, January 22, 2010

China Telecom Launches CDMA2000 EV-DO Rev.B Pre-commercial Network with Huawei' s Solution

Huawei, a leader in providing next-generation telecommunications network solutions for operators around the world, announced that Huawei has successful delivered two CDMA2000 1x EV-DO Rev.B networks in Beijing and Guangzhou for China Telecom. Huawei' s industry-leading EV-DO Rev.B solution will enable operators to improve capacity, throughput and latency on their existing EVDO networks and offer sophisticated 3G services to the subscribers of China Telecom, including VoIP (Voice over IP), voice on demand, and streaming media.

The EV-DO Rev.B networks are the fastest 3G networks to date in China, supporting downlink data rates of up to 9.3Mb/s per user. Based on 2.1GHz and 800MHz dual-band, the EV-DO Rev.B networks will be able to enhance the carrying capacity to deal with the explosion of data services and provide stable and reliable high-speed mobile broadband experiences for 3G users.

Zhao Ming, President of Huawei CDMA Product Line, said "Huawei is fully engaged with world leading CDMA operators, including China Telecom to drive CDMA' s evolution and commercial development. Establishing two EV-DO Rev.B networks for China Telecom in a short time demonstrate Huawei' s commitment to providing our customers with innovative mobile broadband services. "

As the leading CDMA end-to-end solutions provider, Huawei released the first commercial EV-DO Rev.B solution at the fourth Global CDMA Operation and Development Forum in June 2009.

About China Telecom

China Telecommunications Corporation (China Telecom) is an extra-large State-owned telecom operator in China, and was selected into the Top 500 Global Corporations for many years. China Telecom mainly provides the integrated information services including the fixed-line telephone, mobile service, Internet connection and applications services. By the end of 2008, China Telecom owns 214 million fixed line telephone subscribers, 35.44 million mobile subscribers, and 47.18 million broadband customers. The total asset of China Telecom is 632.2 billion yuan, and the yearly turnover revenue is more than 220 billion yuan. There are 670 thousand employees in total in China Telecom.

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