Saturday, March 20, 2010

Neil Strother at the Helm of New ABI Research “Mobile Marketing Strategies” Research Service

"Mobile Marketing is growing exponentially and advertisers can no longer afford to ignore this medium as a way to reach customers - especially in the most desirable 18-40 age range."

With these words, new ABI Research practice director Neil Strother introduces the newest Research Service – “Mobile Marketing Strategies” – just launched by ABI Research.

“The Mobile Marketing Strategies Research Service is for marketers who recognize the need to leverage the emerging mobile channel as part of their brands' ongoing marketing and advertising efforts,” says Strother. “It will provide powerful tools for marketers who understand that consumers are reaching out to brands through mobile phones in powerful new ways, and want to tap into the estimated $4 billion annual turnover that this market will generate by 2014.”

Verticals that provide especially fertile opportunities for mobile marketing include automotive, consumer packaged goods, financial services, restaurants, retail and travel/hospitality, as well as the media and advertising firms that serve them.

The new Research Service will provide trend tracking, case studies, sampling of consumer attitudes, and competitive analysis, through Research Reports, (“Mobile Marketing - How to Take Advantage of the Platform Now” will appear this month), Market Data, ABI Insights, and surveys, all backed by direct consultation with Strother and his team.

Strother’s particular expertise and skill-sets provide exceptional thought leadership in this increasingly important area. He is a leading expert on how businesses can leverage the emerging mobile channel to drive sales and strengthen customer relationships. His track record includes key positions at several of the world’s best-known analyst firms. He served as managing editor of ZDNet AnchorDesk, and has been widely quoted in the world’s top business media.

ABI Research Vice President and Chief Research Officer Stuart Carlaw says, “We are very fortunate to be joined by someone of Neil’s stature and experience in the position of Practice Director, Mobile Marketing Strategies. He is already staking out new territory for ABI Research with this new Research Service, and will offer invaluable guidance to all organizations looking to access the mobile marketing value chain.”

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