Monday, September 15, 2008

Wi2Geo launched an open platform for hybrid positioning

Today, the company opened Wi2Geo hybrid navigation system for public access. Hybrid navigation combines the advantages of navigation on the WiFi points, and honeycomb stations operators GSM, and also allows for fast, accurate and affordable service on most mobile devices - from phones and PDAs to laptops.

Previously, the company launched Wi2Geo urban navigation system based on signals WiFi networks. One of the key advantages of WiFi positioning is functioning within the premises and interactivity. Using signals from stations of cellular operators to significantly broaden the base of devices and provides the technology on all mobile phones.

The next step in the advancement of technology is the use of satellite navigation GPS (if there is an appropriate chip device) - in this case provides a fast start and more accurate positioning even in the face of uncertain reception of satellite signals. Hybrid navigation ensures the availability of service in a variety of conditions (in the city and outside the city, inside and outside buildings). Develop a system is with the support of the company Garant-Park-Telecom.

The platform allows the use of geopozitsionirovanie in any service, any web site, as well as in mobile applications. The company Wi2Geo provides an open API and documentation for third-party developers. Easy integration with existing geoservisami and rapid construction of new third-party developers can use all the benefits of LBS (location-based services) based on proven and reliable solution Wi2Geo.

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