Friday, December 26, 2008

HTC Claims Android Hurting Windows Mobile Sales

On the heals of the G1, HTC has already committed to releasing a G2 and a G3. However, what is interesting is that Smart House is reporting that HTC--the largest Windows Mobile manufacturer--is claiming that the success of Android is hurting Windows Mobile: "The HTC executive has also admitted that the new Google offering is hurting sales of Windows Mobile devices of which HTC are the biggest maker in the world."

While I see Android aimed at consumers and possibly prosumers, it really isn't an enterprise device quite yet unless Google or a third-party licenses full Exchange capabilities, like the iPhone. However, the lack of enterprise Exchange capabilities means that enterprise users will still have to stick with Microsoft technologies either through Windows Mobile or a licensee of Exchange such as the iPhone, Nokia, Palm, and others.

However, as more big name players like Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola enter the Android camp, it will be interesting to see what becomes of the platform and how Windows Mobile will counter. Windows Mobile is in an interesting position moving forward as it really has a more diverse audience than other OS. On one hand, it is the OS for niche and vertical markets, supporting a variety of hardware options including barcode scanning technology, commonly seen, ironic enough, at Apple stores for point-of-sales checkout. It is also an enterprise email and business solution, most notably competing with the likes of Research in Motion's BlackBerry arsenal and the Nokia E-series handhelds. It is also a consumer and prosumer device--like the iPhone, Nova, and Android, which enables entertainment, gaming, and multimedia capabilities.


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