Wednesday, February 4, 2009

ComNews Review: Assessment of development of international roaming services in the context of the devaluation of the ruble

We offer you the next issue ComNews Review, which presented a detailed commentary ComNews Research at the higher prices for international roaming services company «MegaFon», as well as assessing the development of this segment of cellular services in the context of the devaluation of the ruble.

In the face of deteriorating economic conditions are increasingly emerging debate about how cellular network operators will react to the devaluation of the ruble. Will they raise rates? Would like to 2006, linked to the «codes»? Who first «surrender nerves»? Despite keen interest in the subject, the fact that tariff increases have already begun, remained almost unnoticed. Since February 10, begin the new tariffs for international roaming services from the company «MegaFon», which, on average, higher than the current quarter.

On increasing the tariffs for international roaming services company «MegaFon», as it should be on legislation, formally notified 10 days prior to innovation, posting a message in the publication of «the Russian newspaper. Week »(№ 14 dated 29.01.2009). In addition, information about the new tariffs had been posted on the sites of all the regional units of the company. Comparison of old and new rates shows that from February 10, tariffs on all tracks will grow on average by 25%.

Tariffs for international roaming services company «MegaFon», rub. per min.
(price to 10.02.09/tsena after 10.02.09)

The fact that the adjustment of tariffs starting from international roaming is not accidental - as a result of the rule of mutual exchange and the high dependence on external partners in this segment of the effects of the devaluation of the most painful. Symbolically, the first to weaken the ruble reacts «MegaFon» - three years ago, this is the first operator in Russia began to rate the international roaming services in rubles. To be fair, that this increase does not reflect the entire depth of the devaluation - as compared with the middle of July 2008 (during the highest rate) value bivalyutnoy basket has risen by 37%.

The remaining participants in the market of cellular communication has so far not openly express intention in the near future to repeat the steps of «MegaFon». Nevertheless, in formal comments by representatives of operators, traditionally mention «uncertainty in crisis», express «readiness for rapid response to possible changes», which leaves enough space for action.

According to preliminary estimates ComNews Research, in 2008, revenues from international roaming services to Russian operators of cellular communication of 1,6 billion dollars, an increase of 24% compared with the previous godom.1 Thus, revenues from this type of services amounted to about 7 % of total income arising from the services of cellular communication in general.

The main driver of income growth of international roaming services in recent years, remain the property of customers of Russian operators - in the years 2005-2008 the income from the services provided to their customers abroad, grew by an average of 31% annually, while revenues from roaming services to the guest -- at 7% annually. This development the participation of Russian citizens travel abroad, as well as emergency preparedness ruble appreciation against all major world currencies. As a result, if in 2005 its own subscribers generate about 68%, then in 2008 - already 79% of revenues from international roaming.

The devaluation of the ruble, the growth rate and the expected reduction of Russians travel abroad in the current year will lead to a significant slowdown in the dynamics of income from services provided to Russian subscribers abroad. This will inevitably affect the overall dynamics of the proceeds of international roaming services, as the guest roaming the damage will not be able to compensate. The growth rate will encourage Russians living abroad to save on communication, or more likely to resort to alternative solutions, such as «tourism» SIM-card.

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