Sunday, March 22, 2009

Audience store App Store has reached 30 million

Apple is in the last few years has shown all of its competitors how to extract the maximum from their products. Indeed, not only in the devices themselves - they are good, otherwise they would have no one to buy. Do American companies an excellent strategy to promote their products service, which allows to cover all emerging markets. Take, for example, store applications AppStore - recently became aware that his audience closer to the mark in the 30 million users! Also, the success of Apple in this area is its strategy of copying other manufacturers - for the opening of such services one after the other major competitors say Apple's smartphone market.

You can still lead and other figures - Apple has already sold 17 million iPhone and 13 million iPod touch, which shows the seriousness of the company's success in this market segment. As you know, summer Apple will introduce a new "ayfon" and for some reason to doubt its success almost none.

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