Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nokia closes Mosh

About two years ago the company opened a site Nokia Mosh, where users can put content that will be able to view or download other visitors. But now, according to Reuters, Nokia has decided to close the resource. Now she is closely involved in the development and promotion service Ovi, due to open in May mnternet store and Mosh applications will be combined with them, as well as service widget WidSets. Apparently, Nokia has decided to combine several small-scale services in a larger one to charge for the use of payment and to monitor incoming content.

At the same time, Mosh enjoys a very popular: there is already made 137 million downloads. Although, the service, there are several points of concern Nokia: no control over content to come pornographic materials, as well as the products record companies, which then freely duplicated, which naturally causes resentment labels. In particular, for these reasons it was decided to close the service, reports Reuters. While not officially announced when it will happen.

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