Saturday, April 11, 2009


GUIliani is a C++ software framework enabling creation of visually appealing, platform independent GUI’s for embedded system.

GUIliani adopts the philosophy of “write once”, “complie & run” on target hardware. Once GUIliani application has been developed, its can run natively on supported target platforms. When using GUIliani the usual development workflow is to design the application on a PC and target a set of embedded platforms for production release, like for example a PocketPC running WinCE or a Smartphone running Linux, the effort being very minimal.

GUIliani features very high quality visual appearance using sub-pixel rendering, including advanced functionality such as alpha blending and anti-aliasing, making optimum use of the underlying graphics API. This enables development of appealing GUIs for applications running on a wide range of embedded devices, ranging from cost-optimized to high-end hardware platforms.

GUIliani supports a number of Graphics libraries and operating systems.

Graphic Libraries
Operating Systems
Windows GDI
TES D/AVE Windows
WinCE 5.0, 6.0

Additional libraries and operating systems can be supported easily just by developing the related hardware abstraction layer classes.

Target Market
GUIliani's small hardware footprint and optimized runtime requirements allow a wide range of applications to be developed, for example:

• Mobile phone interface & applications,
• Navigation systems
• Infotainment devices
• Professional systems: Measuring / Test instruments
• Medical portable devices
• Ticket Vending machines, Cash boxes
• EIB and LON devices (building communications, e.g. touch control units)
• Set-top-boxes, Multimedia devices: MP3 / DVD

A key feature of GUIliani is the built-in support for animations and effects. This includes, for example, transition effects when switching menus, soft-scrolling within list-boxes and support for animated bitmaps.

• Support for Subpixel-accurate rendering
• Animations
- Motion blur
- Spinner
- Animation timers
- Alpha Shodaws
- Slide
- Pop
• Support for alpha transparencies
• Smart redraw Mechanism
- Follows the “dirty rectangle” approach
- Support for multiple independent dirty rectangles for minimized redraw
and maximum performance

GUIliani is aimed at an international market: it offers the possibility to switch between languages at runtime with minimal programming effort.

Text & Font Features

• Font Engine Support
- FreeType fonts
- ClearType windows fonts
- SDL Font Engine
- eGML Fonts

• UNICODE support
- UTF16
- UTF8

• Text alignments
- left, right, top, bottom, centred
- automatic word-wrap
- Truncation

GUIliani follows a clearly defined, object-oriented approach implementing several widely established and approved design patterns including Observer, Chain-of-Responsibility or Composite-Object-Patterns. To help faster development of GUI, GUIliani offers pre-defined widgets APIs

• Set of pre-defined widgets
- CompositeObjects
- Buttons
- IconButtons
- RadioButtons
- CheckBoxes
- Sliders
- ProgressBars
- TextFields
- BitmapImages
- InputFields
- ScrollBars

GUIliani has been fully ported on TES D/AVE 2D driver , eGML, eVRU. Evaluation kits are available for the above ports and also available are development kits for
• x86 Windows XP
• x86 Linux
• C64x/ARM DaVinci

Sales : sales at tesbv dot comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Technical Support : guiliani_support at tesbv dot comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Watch demo video
Guiliani OpenGL ES WARP Demo

Media Cube with GUIliani & OpenGL-ES

Related Links
eVRU is a powerful command list based vector rendering engine for the TI C64x+ DSP Core. eVRU has been designed and developed specifically to run on DSP to render graphics with API support on the ARM. By off-loading the ARM from graphics rendering burden, eVRU enables greater system flexibility for multimedia, navigation and GUI applications. Click here for more information.

Register & download eval kits from

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