Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lenovo has created two new units

The company Lenovo recently announced the establishment of two new business units in the structure of the company. One of the units will work with the consumer sector of the developed markets, and the second-charge of the consumer sector in developing countries. The new structure, which will replace an existing company in order to work with regions to ensure better customer service, as well as more accurately reflect the development strategy of Lenovo and the current market dynamics.

«Russia is a very important market for Lenovo, showing great growth prospects. With the new structure, we can more effectively collaborate with colleagues from other countries that have much in common with our situation, and initiate a process of rapid and efficient development of the company in the region - said Denis Reshin, CEO of Lenovo in Russia ».

Unit to work with developed markets, chaired by Milko Van Duzhil (Milko Van Duijl), senior vice president of the company in the region EMEA (Europe / Middle East / Asia). At the head of the work in the emerging markets will Shaopeng Chen (Chen Shaopeng), senior vice president and president of the company in the APR (Asia-Pacific region and Russia). Milko Van Duzhil and Chen Shaopeng will guide the work of the new units from Paris and Beijing, respectively.

As a unit of work in the developed markets will include countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Israel, Japan, United States, Western Europe, as well as international clients of the company Lenovo. In the conduct of the work of emerging markets would be Africa and Asia Pacific, China, Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Middle East, Pakistan, Russia, Taiwan and Turkey. The countries of Latin America, including Mexico, will directly oversee the Rory Reid (Rory Read), President and Chief Operating Officer of Lenovo, which recently also acting manager of the Americas, Japan, Australia / New Zealand.

Besides, Lenovo announce the changes in industrial structure of the company that will help Lenovo to focus on innovation and improvement of services as business customers and end users. The new Think Product Group will focus mainly on the segment of commercial customers, to build relations with customers, as well as links to the premium market segment solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. Think Product Group headed by Freni O'Salivan (Fran O'Sullivan), is currently holding the position of senior vice president, Product Group company Lenovo. New Idea Product Group focuses on working with end users, customers of small and medium-sized businesses in both developed and developing markets, as well as entry-level products such as the Lenovo 3000 series notebooks. Idea Product Group headed by Liu Jian (Liu Jun), currently holding the position of Senior Vice President and President of Consumer Business Group company Lenovo.

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