Monday, April 13, 2009

The new "sport" player Samsung YR-U5 - in Russia

Company Samsung Electronics officially introduced audio YR-U5, which, from the words of the manufacturer, is designed for those who just want to play audioryada and do not need video or other multimedia features. First of all, Samsung YR-U5 is aimed at sports fans and those who followed his figure. «Sports» orientation of the player "lies" in a compact body of durable plastic with a large multifunctional navigation button and a contrast monochrome display which is ideal for use during runs or exercises in the gym. Clip for attaching to clothing and compactness of the player can not worry about where to put it.

In addition to playback of popular digital music formats and the FM-radio c RDS (with the possibility of recording), a valuable advantage of this player is a function of «Fitness». In this mode, the player determines the load and the calories expended during the races or classes in the gym, is the history of training and helps you keep track of progress.

The player most comfortable during training and in everyday life: a direct connection to the USB eliminates the need for cables and allows you to use the player as the media. In addition, Samsung YR-U5 implemented training regime with a convenient navigation (for example, audiourokam foreign language), you can slow down or increase playback speed. Also in this mode is convenient to listen dictaphones recordings made with the help of the player.

The model comes in five colors (blue, pink, white, red and black) and with two different amount of internal memory (2GB or 4GB). You can personalize your player is not only due to the choice of body colors, but also using the create your own avatar, the user fully edited. In YR-U5 «protection» ten base characters, which can be changed to your liking.

On the Russian market player Samsung YP-U5 can already be purchased at the following estimated retail price depending on the amount of internal memory: 2 GB of memory - 1 890 rubles, 4 GB of memory - 2 490 rubles.

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