Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A former top manager of Palm will work on new communicators HP

It became known that the former CEO of Palm, Jonathan Oakes (Johnathan Oakes) has joined the company's HP. He has worked in the unit, HP Emerging Businesses Unit, which is engaged in development communicators and smartphones series iPAQ and software for them. What specifically is Oakes, it was not clear in the profile LinkedIn reported only that he was "working to create new products and business models." The company HP declined to comment on the matter.

According to unconfirmed information, the company HP is considering establishing netbukov and mobile devices based on the operating system Android. In addition, she recently joined the Symbian Foundation, however, noted that the organization was to improve the management of Symbian-smartphones in the corporate networks, rather than creating their own device. Perhaps, HP intends to strengthen its position in the mobile market, and not the least role in this play Oakes.

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