Friday, May 29, 2009

Microsoft launches new search service Bing

Microsoft has announced the launch of a search service Bing, to, with her words, to change the traditional users of the system to find information on the Internet. The new search engine is now being deployed on the site, it will become available to users around the world are already on 3 June. In Russia and other European countries will launch a beta version of Bing.

It declares Microsoft, the amount of information on the Internet grows enormous pace, and navigate in this environment every day becoming more complicated. According to a study by comScore Inc., Today about 30% of search queries a user is terminated due to lack of desired results. Bing was created to help people not only find information fast, and effectively use it to make important decisions. A special focus placed on areas such as shopping on the Web, planning a trip, health and local search.

The new service, the words of the company, is expanding the borders of today technology. It includes innovations in key areas of search, including the delineation of core and supplementary information, the definition of the purpose of the request and display the main essence of found materials. A new model of the user interface dynamically adapts Bing under a specific request, providing ease in decision-making.

Thanks to Best Match, analyze the obtained information in the search, Bing will offer you exactly what he was looking for. Instant Answers feature save time, adding a page of search results a mass of useful data. Services Web Groups and Quick Tabs sorted obtained information, making it more visible.

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