Thursday, May 7, 2009

Smart Communications Tops New ABI Research Mobile Person-to-Person Payments Vendor Matrix Ranking

Smart Communications (The Philippines’ leading wireless service provider) has been ranked at the top of the latest Vendor Matrix released by ABI Research.

Fundamo Pty. Ltd. and Obopay claimed the second and third spots in the company’s new worldwide evaluation of mobile person-to-person payment services vendors.

While some MNOs are developing in-house solutions for mobile person to person payments, several vendors are offering comprehensive and proven solutions in the global marketplace. “The common thread amongst the top three companies is a proven track record,” says senior analyst Mark Beccue. “Smart Communications earns our top ranking for two reasons: the solution it developed, which is in place in the Philippines, is one of the most successful programs in the world and the company has solid and broad-reaching relationships with MNOs. Second-ranked Fundamo has a proven track record in South Africa and a working partnership with pan-African MNO MTN, which bodes well for it because Africa is the top market for mobile person-to-person payments. Obopay has developed key partnerships with MasterCard and Citibank and is focused on another key market, India.”

The Vendor Matrix is an analytical tool developed by ABI Research to provide a clear understanding of vendors’ positions in specific markets. Vendors are assessed on the important parameters of “innovation” and “implementation” across several criteria unique to each vendor matrix.

For this particular matrix, under "innovation," ABI Research examined the functionality and security of each vendor’s SMS and mobile Internet downloadable applications.

Under "implementation," ABI Research scrutinized the vendors’ relationships with banks, MNOs, money transfer organizations and card payment companies, as well as the breadth of their solutions, the complementary products they offer, their partnerships, and their overall financial and organizational health.

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