Friday, July 3, 2009

Timing and price Samsung Omnia II and Omnia Pro

The branch company in Belgium, Samsung officially announced the date of commencement of supply Communicators Omnia II and Omnia Pro. Samsung Omnia II will go on sale in August, and the Omnia Pro even earlier - in July. Their cost of 549 and 499 euros respectively. Perhaps communicators will be issued at a Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, and after the release of new version 6.5 will receive a free upgrade. By the way, has recently appeared rumors that Austria Samsung Omnia II will be released only in September and immediately with the Windows Mobile 6.5.

Recall communicator Samsung Omnia II (I8000) besklaviaturny is a monoblock with a 3.7-inch AMOLED-touch display. And Omnia Pro (B7610) - this slider with sliding QWERTY-keyboard, 3.5-inch touch screen AMOLED-and 5-MP camera. Models quite functional, with large displays, so the value of their respective stated. Most likely, about the same time new items will be available throughout Europe.

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