Monday, August 31, 2009

Casio, Hitachi and NEC will unite for the production of mobile phones

The European edition of the newspaper Wall Street Journal, referring to unnamed sources, reported on the possible merger of companies NEC Corp., Hitachi Ltd. and Casio Computer Co. According to this publication, by April 2010 on the basis of units of data of companies engaged in production of mobile phones and communicators, perhaps, a single firm. This consolidation was made possible because of the crisis that has gripped the Japanese mobile market. Primarily, this action aims at strengthening the position of the domestic market.

Currently, none of the companies did not comment on the rumor, but if this association occur, the new company will be ranked second in Japan after the group Sharp, as well as become a notable player in the global market.

Until recently, Japan dominated machines hi-end class, have many features unclaimed anywhere except the local market or whether such expensive features as the ability to record HD-video. But with the decline in sales due to the global financial crisis, a significant setback for the Japanese companies began to sell products Apple, which clearly pressed the model of the firm Sharp and others. In this situation, output would produce a budget machines and models, targeting overseas sales.

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