Monday, August 31, 2009

New recorder Ritmix RR-800 went on sale

Company BLADE reported the appearance in Russia market recorder RR-800 from the company Ritmix. Ritmix RR-800 - voice recorder with the ability to direct recording to MP3. Feature of this model is auto-recording conversations with mobile phones of all popular brands.

Ritmix RR-800 is powered by two «mizinchikovyh» batteries, but possible and alternative steady-state power through the USB. When connected to a computer it does not require driver installation. In addition to its core purpose - sound recording, voice recorder also serves as the player, clock and alarm clock. Among the possibilities RR-800, actual recording, it is worth noting the option Repeat Fragment A-B, as well as the function of voice activation (VOR).

Recorder Ritmix RR-800 is available in four versions depending on memory size: from 512 MB to 4 GB. However, with a slot for Micro SD memory cards can be significantly increased.

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