Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nokia to drop Symbian for Maemo?

Nokia could be set to ditch Symbian as its main smartphone OS in favour of Maemo Linux. At least that’s the gist of a report in the German edition of the Financial Times (aka the FTD). Read on for all the details.

The FTD quotes a source “close to Nokia” as saying, “Symbian is much too cumbersome to keep up with modern operating systems. We have to react.”

Basically, the FTD’s article suggests that Nokia wants to keep up with the leaner, meaner operating systems boasted by the iPhone, BlackBerry phones and Android-based phones - and is willing to dump the aging, relatively awkward Symbian platform in order to do so - despite having just completed its €264m acquisition of Symbian four months ago.

We already knew that the Linux-based Maemo platform used by Nokia’s Internet tablets was going to be introduced in several smartphones in the near future (such as the Nokia N900 we got an early look at yesterday), but apparently it could soon become the platform of choice for all the firm’s flagship devices. Leaving Symbian to presumably fade away.

Nokia has thus far failed to comment on the story - unsurprising given that’s it’s really all speculation - but we’ll bring you more as it develops.


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