Monday, August 31, 2009

September 7 ASUS announces new ultra-thin notebooks

According to Taiwanese site DigiTimes, which cites sources from inside the industry of mobile technology, ASUS is the seventh in September will present two new models of ultra-thin notebooks, which, among other things, will use the new processor Intel. This is a 45-nm chips Celeron 743 and SU2300, which, at a cost of $ 107 and $ 134, are positioned as solutions for low-cost models.

Later, their new models represent other Taiwanese manufacturers, in particular, Acer and MSI. As for ASUS, it makes a serious bid for ultrathin laptops - in the third quarter of this year, they ranged from 10% to 20% of all shipments of mobile PCs. Let's see what will be the demand for new items.

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