Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fujitsu announced the winners of its contest for the design of mobile phones

The Japanese companies Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu Design Limited have announced the winners of Fujitsu Mobile Phone Design Award 2009. About this design competition for the collection of innovative ideas from the people, it was announced in May this year, and which moved as one of the ways to improve the design of modern mobile phones manufacturing Fujitsu.

The contest, which was conducted during June-July, was filed more than two thousand works, of which 24 winners were selected: Grand Prix, two awards for second place (one per category), six special judges' awards (one from each judge) and 15 consolation prizes.

It was stated that an impartial panel of judges selected the winners of the composition, which included designer Toshiyuki Kita (Toshiyuki Kita), Art Director, Manabu Mizuno (Manabu Mizuno), editor in chief of Nikkei Design Shimokawa Kazuya (Kazuya Shimokawa) and chairman of the Japan Association of designers, art director Katsumi Asaba (Katsumi Asaba).

So, we give a list of winners and their work:


• Title: Gestures
• Designer: Jin-gwon GO
• Description: Depending on how the phone is taken in hand, it runs the appropriate function
Second place (a practice):

• Title: Soap
• Designer: YAN
• Description: A mobile phone designed for children and promote the idea that wealth is associated with purity. Coming from the street, the child learns to wash everything, including the mobile phone.
Second place (Category Dream):

• Name: foldable phone
• Designer: Hanna Sahlen / Sachiko Munakata
• Description: Mobile phone, paper-thin, which can "wrinkle" in the compact form and deploy in those cases where you want to use it for its intended purpose.
Judges' Award (the award from the designer Toshiyuki Kita):

• Title: Adjustick
• Designer: Izumi Tanaka (Izumi Tanaka)
• Description: Mobile phone with a tubular design, showing a minimal amount of information with simple operations. Can project a virtual screen and keyboard.
Judges' Award (award from Manabu Mizuno):

• Title: Osusowa Keitai ( "phone, sliced)
• Designer: Kan Yasuma, Yo Ishigaki, Yoshihisa Tanaka
• Description: A few mobile phones, which can be joined into one. This allows a phone to share part of his charge to another, or, for example, combine multiple screens - into one.

Judges' Award (award from Kazuya Shimokawa):

• Title: Hamelifon
• Designer: Hiroyuki Tabuchi
• Description: Building a mobile phone can imitate and reproduce the texture of the surface on which it lay.
Judges' Award (award from Katsumi Asaba):

• Title: F-Circle
• Designer: Yuji Ito
• Description: A distinctive feature of the design of this phone is its appearance and departure from the traditional rectangular replaced with round.
Judges' Award (the award of senior vice president of Fujitsu Limited Hideyuki Saso [Hideyuki Saso]):

• Title: KAORA (Tile)
• Designer: Wataru Igarashi (Igarashi Wataru)
• Description: The main idea of the project - to refute the phrase "Displays should be flat, and create a special design of the display, offering the user, previously unheard of convenience.
Judges' Award (the award from the president of Fujitsu Design Limited Kimitaka Kato [Kimitaka Kato]):

• Title: Amebafon
• Designer: Kwak yeon
• Description: The entire surface of the phone is a touch screen, enhanced ease of use, and its inner concave portion adapted to the shape of the human person when the phone is leaning on him during the conversation.

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