Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Launch of Scientific Profiling of Individuals Signals 'Death of Psychometric Testing'

New science and emerging technology by AxiaMetrics takes people profiling into 21st century.

LONDON -- AxiaMetrics LLP (www.axiametrics.com/), the people assessment experts, have launched the Axia Profile, an online service based on the science of Axiology, which measures a person's values and therefore the way they think and make decisions.

Utilising proven scientific identification of employees' values and talents, AxiaMetrics provides a vast range of 'people solutions' to businesses and organisations helping them recruit, develop and retain the right people.

The Profile's launch has been hailed as the beginning of the end for psychometric testing which although widely used in the past, is increasingly being seen as irrelevant to the problems faced by businesses and large organisations in the early 21st century.

Nigel Griffiths, Partner at AxiaMetrics, said:

"Businesses have woken up to the elephant in the room and now realise that existing psychometric tests actually provide no value whatsoever when it comes to implementing much needed change. The problem is very simple; psychometric tests are fundamentally flawed as they are self reports based on what the individual says about themselves. The information is then used to categorise individuals into a limited number of predetermined standard groups -- all of this through blind corroboration and anecdote. Unbelievably this then purports to indicate the individual's ability to perform, based on these preset groups, a process that is neither scientific nor objective.

"The Axia Profile is based on Nobel-Prize nominated research and unlike psychometric testing it provides a quantitative standard for measuring people's values and consistently records and predicts mathematically those value drivers which influence all of our thinking, judgments and behaviours. Crucially, it is the accuracy of the outputs provided by the Axia Profile that then enable organisations in both the private and public sectors to implement much needed change in critical areas like recruitment, training and development, succession planning and effective management. Axiological knowledge is therefore objective, independent from any observer and empirical. Although new to the UK, this profile has been valued, validated and successfully applied in the US for over 20 years, in partnership with leading organisations, including AT&T, Chase Manhattan Bank, Ford Motor Company, Goldman Sachs, Hospital Corporation of America, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, NASA, New York Yankees, Texaco, The Federal Aviation Authority and Xerox."

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