Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Multimedia information on Yandex.Maps

Company Yandex expanded functionality Yandex.Maps. Service offers users consider unusual monuments, photos of animals and birds, videos from around the world and other interesting things. Now Yandex.Maps can not only find Taganskaya street in Moscow, but also to see that next to the house number 13 is a monument to a stool.

Information layers are based on API Yandex.Maps, most of the data provided by the project partners. For example, in order to show color photographs made in the early twentieth century, Prokudin-Gorsky, Yandex has contacted the Library of Congress, and photos of unusual monuments made by users Yandeks.Fotok.

In addition, many cities in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan Yandex.Maps show information from the regional sites - for example, residents of Novosibirsk can see the point in his city Wi-Fi, petrol and service stations, and the residents of Vladimir - hotels, restaurants and cafes. In addition to the location of each object, users can watch a variety of background information - for example, telephone or hours of work organizations.

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