Friday, November 6, 2009

Personal Area from Google

Google has announced the launch of the service Personal cabinet. This new feature will allow you to view and monitor data related to personal accounts Google. Personal cabinet combines user data from all of Google's products and provides the ability to centrally control the personal data and settings products from Google.

Google services are stored in various types of information. For example, Gmail users can save incoming and outgoing e-mails, drafts, applications to write letters and chat. Feature is enabled Web History, in turn, preserves the history of online search and helps to get more personalized results. Personal cabinet combines all the information and brings it into one simple format. This gives the user an understanding of what data are used, and full control over them.

Personal Area Google was developed by a team of engineers in Munich and Zurich and is now available in 17 languages. You can access the Personal Cabinet to the address: / dashboard or through the Preferences page in your account Google.

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