Monday, November 9, 2009

Ralink RT3090BC4: Bluetooth 3.0 and Wi-Fi 802.11n in one bottle

Since the main feature, after the ultra-portable of course, for compact notebooks netbooks is to ensure the greatest possible operating time without recharging. This is not to discount the high level of functionality, so the way to reduce consumers' energy is not applicable. There remains only the creation of combined devices, which provide the same functionality, but occupy less space and not so "greedy". Company Ralink to the market its chipset, which combines Wi-Fi modules and Bluetooth and is specifically designed for ultra-thin notebooks and netbooks.

Model Ralink RT3090BC4 provides simultaneous wireless standard IEEE 802.11n and Bluetooth 3.0 + HS. However, according to the manufacturer, the speed of data transfer via Wi-Fi is up to 150 MB / s, and can drastically reduce the amount occupied by the data modules. Also, this will optimize the wireless module as a whole.
New combined modules in their products began to use the company MSI. About the price of the chipset Ralink RT3090BC4 not reported, but stated that it would cost producers less two independent devices. Also not yet known when the market will netbooks with this decision.

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