Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Samsung abandon Symbian and Windows Mobile?

Samsung is the world's second producer of mobile phones and fifth in the number of smartphones and communicators made plans to reduce operating devices running Windows Mobile. The reduction will be in favor of Android and the operating system of its own design. Among the forty models of communicators, which the company Samsung plans to release next year, the proportion of devices with Windows Mobile will be about 50%, compared with more than 90% in 2008. At the same time, Android-Smartphones amount to more than 30%, ie more than 10 devices. This information informs research firm HMC Investment Securities in Seoul. A 2012 model, running Windows Mobile, will amount to no more than 20% of communicators with the logo of Samsung. Simultaneously smart phones with Symbian OS altogether disappear from the range of the company.

At the same time to reduce its own dependence on the developers of operating systems, the Samsung is building its own OS for smartphones. It remains an open question as to who will produce for her application. At the same time, the corporation is in a better position than other smartphone manufacturers in respect of costs. Samsung itself provides the production of key components of devices: memory, processor and built-in cameras. Thus, interest in the smartphone market for the products justified the possibility of creating high quality and competitive models.

This year, the supply of Samsung smartphones amounted to 9 million units. Growth compared to 2008 year 89%. Even more growth is expected for next year, when the company plans to put on the market at 21 million units (132% of the result in 2009) and become the fourth largest producer of this type of devices.

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